Greenfoot Energy Solutions was founded in 2014 by a team of energy advisors wanting to advance the energy efficiency sector in Atlantic Canada. Having owned and operated an energy auditing company for the last 8 years and administering over 30,000 energy assessments, they felt that providing energy efficiency upgrade recommendations alone was not enough.
Providing UNBIASED energy efficiency advice could only be attained if someone could offer the entire range of home efficiency upgrades therefore eliminating any and all conflicts of interest.
Greenfoot and its vision of becoming a true “One Stop Shop” was officially born with the mission of becoming the industry leader as a whole home solutions provider.
Today, Greenfoot has over 775 Team Members with locations throughout Atlantic Canada and plans to expand across Canada and the United States.
Our new partnership aims to create a strong, recognizable brand that highlights both the partnership with Greenfoot Energy Solutions and the established community identity of the 4-plex. As recognizable in the community as the “Uniplex”, CN Sportplexe” or “Codiac Transpo”, Greenfoot Energy 4-Plex effectively combines the eco-friendly focus of Greenfoot Energy with the recreational aspect of the 4-plex, fostering a sense of community engagement. This approach not only emphasizes sustainability but also promotes local recreation, making it a well-rounded brand identity.